Buy a 50/50 Raffle Ticket
One Raffle Ticket ($10)
Three Raffle Tickets ($25)
Sponsor the Tee Off for PSF Community Center
If you would like to make your donation “In Honor Of” a specific person, please email [email protected] after you make your contribution. Thank you!
Platinum Sponsor $5000
Name and logo on event banners, lawn signs, and posters
On Stage Recognition
Email and social media recognition
Register a foursome
Gold Sponsor $2500
On Stage Recognition
Name on event posters
Email and social media recognition
Registration for one foursome
Silver Sponsor $1000
Name on event posters
Email and social media recognition
Registration for one foursome
Bronze Sponsor $500
Email and social media recognition
Registration for one Golfer
Hole Sponsor $150
Email and social media recognition
Recognition on hole signs
Friends of the Tee off for PSF Community Center – Donations Under $150
Other Ways to Support Us
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
See our list of sponsors here!